Who we are
Chris Campbell
Chris has worked in the area of corporate education for over 20 years. In his early career Chris worked with the boards of multinational businesses helping them deal with the educational impact of rapid technology change. Chris is an experienced public speaker and has spoken at numerous events including sessions at Henley Management College and the IMD.
Since co-founding CampbellBarr Chris has helped design and deliver business ethics and compliance programmes for clients such as Airbus, BP, Serco, Porsche, BAE Systems and IMI. These sessions have been delivered around the world in over 30 locations including Angola, India, Tanzania, Azerbaijan, China, USA, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Chile and South Africa.
“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it”
David Barr
After qualifying as a corporate lawyer with Linklaters, David moved into management consultancy with the Monitor Group.
In 2004 David was asked to establish a European office for the US ethics and compliance business, LRN. In 2007 having built teams in the UK and Germany, and winning a broad client base David helped to lead the acquisition and integration of Fuel, one of the UK’s leading custom eLearning businesses. During his last 18 months with LRN David became very closely involved in the development and roll-out of face-to-face education programmes.
This experience built a deep seated belief that genuine behavioural change starts through face-to-face discourse and that a significant opportunity existed to help companies and other organisations increase the impact and effectiveness of their ethics and compliance programmes.
Since co-founding CampbellBarr in 2009, David has helped to develop and deliver ethical leadership and compliance programmes to FTSE 100 executives teams as well as frontline managers and sales staff across Europe, the US, China, India, Japan, Australia, UAE, Brazil and Chile.
“The nightmare thought is that frightening people is the best way to get more out of them”
Alain de Botton
Partners & friends
Sounds Fishy is a creative Multi-Media Production & solutions team comprising of handpicked professionals in video, audio, design, animation, editing and post-production.
With 25 years years’ experience in broadcast media both on-air & behind the scenes, we understand the process necessary to create broadcast quality sound and video meaning our work sounds as good as it looks.
The Sounds Fishy team create outstanding corporate videos, web content, animations and presentations for national and international clients including FTSE100 companies. High-quality, cost-effective work that gets your message heard and seen, all produced by a team that loves their work and has fun making you look good.