What we do
We believe that the greatest asset in reducing risk and creating opportunities are engaged employees who are aligned with their organisation’s purpose and values.
This is very easy to say, but impossible to simply mandate. Therefore we seek to work candidly, creatively and collaboratively with clients to develop face-to-face education programmes, with a range of deployment methods. We facilitate discussion and reflection on the why, what and how of compliance topics and ethical capability. Drawing on feedback and demand from participants, increasingly we are helping leaders and managers have discussions with their teams utilising our expanding range suite of Leader Led Discussion kits.
We have extensive global and cross-sector experience in developing face-to-face programmes and high impact communication pieces including:
Leader Led Discussion kits
Sometimes the best ideas are the simplest. We believe that a commitment to doing the right thing starts with a conversation. Having leaders and managers at the heart of these conversations is key. And if we want our leaders and managers to be front and centre in our ethics and compliance commitments then we need to support them.
Our Leader Led Discussion kits (LLDs) provide frameworks for conversations. The kits come with a simple facilitation guide and some stimulus for the conversation - a slide, posters, a video, a question etc. With a maximum of 15 minutes preparation a leader can then have a purposeful and structure discussion with their team, each tying back to both company values and business goals. Though each kit delivers standalone impact value, it is the cumulative affect of leaders and managers having more regular but informal discussions with their teams that carries a transformative potential at very low cost and minimal business disruption.
The discussions typically run from 5-30 minutes. Having regular conversations on these topics increases the understanding of the team and enhances the reputation of the leader. To date we have over 70 kits being used around the world by leaders and managers at clients including BP, GSK, Skanska and Volvo Cars.
For a catalogue of our current kits please contact info@campbellbarr.com
Code of Conduct / Corporate Values
For many of our clients this is where it starts – with a Code and/or a set of values. Typically we get involved in helping to take the corporate messages to a place that is relevant and meaningful for the employees and other stakeholders.
Solutions include face-to-face workshop design and delivery, multimedia tools and assets, dilemma design, train the trainer and the development of an engagement strategy that ensures a programme rather than a single event. We have developed solutions in this areas for clients including Autoliv, IMI, Serco, Spectris and Porsche.
Ethical Leadership and Decision-Making
As organisations increasingly see authentic compliance efforts requiring a combination of topic knowledge and behavioural awareness, the challenge is shifting from simply instilling topic knowledge to enabling this with the right leadership capabilities.
We have developed a number of sessions that focus on this area, including the role of leadership in setting tone and demonstrable actions, how we are all influenced by work place pressures and how cognitive biases impact our decision-making.
These sessions are often used in conjunction with the more traditional topics of anti-bribery, competition law etc. Clients who have engaged us in this area include BP, Serco, Skanska, Airbus, Morgan Advanced Materials and Ophir Energy.

Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption
Ethical Leadership
and Decision Making
We have designed and delivered education solutions covering global anti-bribery regulations in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Latin and North America.
In many cases we have delivered the content directly, and on many occasions we have developed train the trainer solutions so that our clients can cascade internally. We are frequently asked to translate our materials and trainer packs into multiple languages.
From having developed and delivered anti-bribery courses around the world since 2010 we have come to appreciate some critical components:
Don’t neglect the why: people want to debate and put anti-bribery regulations into context with connected political, social and technological trends. Engagement shifts when people understand the rationale and drivers for anti-bribery rather than simply “here is the policy you must follow”.
Global and local stories
Candid discussion on the business pressures that cause tension with anti-bribery policies
Positioning an anti-bribery strategy linked with the rest of the business strategy rather than within a separate compliance sphere
Group discussion on the behaviours and capabilities to move from reactive risk management to managing ahead of key risk points
We have provided services in this area to many clients including Serco, Spectris,
Air France KLM, Porsche and BP.
Competition Law and Anti-Trust
We have developed principles based, stories-led Competition Law workshops for many clients including Accor hotels, Spectris, IAG group and Porsche. As with our anti-bribery programmes, we have been fortunate to deliver these courses on multiple occasions around the world.
Through this experience we strive to always connect Competition Law commitments with a company’s broader strategic goals and values. We also seek to combine knowledge on the key legal principles with debate and reflection on where pressure points will arise, how people may look to rationalise poor decision-making and how we best mutually support each other to manage this risk.

Operational Risk
For some of our clients operational risk management is closely linked with the ethics and compliance domain. We looked at risk in its broadest context and design engagements that focused on employees engaging with this topic at a local, national and global level. As a result we have helped clients increase understanding of and commitment toward risk management, providing the business with greater insight into the likelihood and potential impact of specific risks.

Export Controls
Export controls has the potential to be an incredibly technical and complex topic. For most of our clients the challenge is in ensuring that specific employees are aware of the risks and know who to contact. We have delivered solutions in this area in a number of ways including traditional classroom training and animations.

Data Protection

There are clear guidelines and regulations governing the obtaining, storing, transferring and deleting of personal data. We have developed an interactive workshop that enables participants to understand not just the what and how of this topic, but also the why. We focus the training on simulation and decision-making rather than just the often dry legal obligations.
Information Security

More and more of our clients are becoming increasingly concerned with the risks associated with information. This has been often been focused on digital risks but also concerns the physical element as increasingly the two are intertwined. We have developed training on this area that uses engaging and surprising case-studies and real examples to help drive real behavioural change in employees working practices.